
Welcome to the Apprenticeship App.

This app will provide you with indicative information about how much it costs to train apprentices to completion of their apprenticeship and how long it will take to recoup your investment in their training.

Returns are based on the productivity difference between the fully experienced worker and the apprentice expressed as a stream of future benefits (the Net Present Value).

Further details can be found in: Gambin, L., et al. (2010) ‘Recouping the costs of apprenticeship training: employer case study evidence from England’. Empirical Res Voc Ed Train 2, 127–146


This is a prototype of the app. At the moment the estimates are indicative and will be revised in due course as the app is further developed.

Information Provided

The apprenticeship app is in two parts. The first part provides with you an indicative estimate of how much it will cost your organisation to train an apprentice based on national data and assumptions derived from research about the costs of training an apprentice. It will also indicate how long, after the completion of any training, it will take your organisation to recoup the costs of training. This part of the app will take around 5 minutes to complete.

The second part of the app allows you to obtain detailed estimates of the costs of training and the period of time it will take to recoup the costs based on information which is unique to your organisation. This part of the app will take around 20 minutes to complete.